Being a SAHM is very much undervalued in today’s society. It is hard work, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Read on for some tips on how to transition to a SAHM. I hope it encourages you as we are on this path together!

Choosing to become a SAHM was a decision that my husband and I came to prior to ever getting married. When we eventually had kids, we wanted to be the main influences in their lives. However, I don’t think I fully understood what the term SAHM meant nor what it entailed and what I’d be giving up.
I always envisioned that SAHM’s had it so easy. I mean, what do they really do all day? Right? Not!
Being a SAHM is a full time, 24/7 job that you don’t get paid for. Well, monetarily:) We get paid in other ways! Such as, snuggles from our little ones, kisses from our toddlers, and maybe most importantly teaching them and watching them grow into little human beings is most rewarding.
Like my husband always tells me, “we get both sides from our boys. The sweet, cuddly, and funny side and also the tantrums and screaming side as well.”
No one but you, truly gets to see all sides of your children. That, in my opinion, is one of the many blessings of being a SAHM.
I know that one of the things I have always enjoyed as my babies have grown up is watching them learn how to walk. The bumps and bruises that they get along the way trying to learn how to walk is so relatable to us SAHM’s! Yet, they always get back up and try again.
We are constantly having to learn so many new things as we raise these tiny humans. Things such as, how to get our babies to sleep through the night, breastfeed, keep the house in order, discipline in a way that each child responds well to, how to count and learn the alphabet, and the list goes on.
It truly is a growth process. When you think you’ve made it, just wait and your toddler will through some curve ball your way.
Just the other day, my toddler was out on our deck naked for all our neighbors to see. Ya win some, ya lose some, mama:)
Hang in there, and take a deep breath!
How to transition to a SAHM & ways to make it easier
Know your expectations and know your husband’s expectations of you.
I can’t stress to you enough how important this is for your marriage. Knowing the expectations your husband has as well as the expectations you place on yourself, is so very important that you and your husband are on the same page.
Finding your rhythm as a new mom, a second time mom, or a new SAHM is going to take some time. You will not be able to get everything done in a day. And THAT’S OK!
You are not supposed to be able to get it all done in a day.
Remember, it took God 6 days to create the universe and His creation and even He rested on the seventh day:) And we are far from being like God!
Give yourself some grace and rest, and have realistic expectations of yourself.
You will only be disappointed in yourself if you do not determine your own expectations.

Plan out your day (roughly)
Having a tentative plan in your head or written down helps to create structure within your day. I am sure you are very familiar with structure if you have just left your full time job to stay home with your new little baby and now your main priority is to take care of this little human being.
Not having a plan for your day can make your days seem longer or even make your feel as though you have to get everything done.
When in reality, it’s just not going to happen.
I know that initially, you will be feeding your newborn pretty much around the clock so putting things on your “to do” list like brushing your teeth and hair, and changing out of your PJ’s are going to be HUGE wins for you in those early days (or weeks;)) of your newborn baby.
Once you feel as though you finally have some room to breathe, planning things like going for a walk, meal planning, cleaning the bathroom, or picking activities to do with your other children are some ways to break up your day.
Remember, you don’t have to do it all in one day! I constantly have to remind myself of this some days.
Schedule some “you” time
When you are at home with your kids all day, you will find that you will need to schedule some “you” time to keep your sanity and continue to be a good mom!
Don’t feel guilty about this. We all need time to ourselves to recharge away from your kids and husband.
Whether it’s getting together with some girlfriends, going to get your nails done, or going on a solo hike, get out of the house and do something for you!
Your husband and kids will thank you later:)

Recognize that this is your FULL TIME JOB!
I know that for me, recognizing that staying at home and raising our kids, was my full time job took a lot of time for me to fully understand that.
When you are so used to being out the house, contributing financially to the family, and having structure to your day, it’s difficult to re-shift your mentality to waking up each day and remembering that raising these tiny humans is the most important “job” you will ever have!
Yes, it is a full time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week job that is so rewarding if you take time to slow down and appreciate the little moments in and amongst the crazy parts of your day.
I hope these 4 ways on how to transition to a SAHM encourages you as you make this huge leap of faith in your life.
You’ve got this, mama!
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